Monday, September 30

You Can’t Go Without These Travel Essentials


New Year resolutions – they’re forgotten once February hits. But if travel was, and still finds its place in your list this year, you best not leave without these travel essentials.

Waterproof Bags and Covers

What’s an adventure without lunging through rivers or chasing secret crystal pools and waterfalls? Or maybe you plan on visiting some of the wettest and rainiest places on earth (Colombia or Montenegro, anyone?). Whatever the case, your goods are incredibly safer when waterproofed. From bags to cell phone covers, you can pretty much waterproof everything in 2017.

See these:

Waterproof Bag for iPad Mini & Samsung Tablets        Universal Waterproof Cell Phone Case                       Classic Waterproof Backpack

Image result for Lavod LMB-015S Waterproof Bag For Apple iPad Mini & Samsung Galaxy Tab                                                          

Available from R296.98                                                       Available at R199                                                              Available at R2150

iPod Touch

Amplify your travel experiences with a spectacular soundtrack and store up to 64GB of music on the 6th-generation iPod Touch. Coming with an iSight and improved FaceTime HD camera, this will surely make those scenic train trips and interesting bus rides much more memorable.

            iPod Touch 6th Generation 

iPod touch 64GB - Gold

                   Available from R5999

And while you’re at it, be sure to get your hands on a pair of cordless Bluetooth earphones. These will ensure your hands are free to snap memorable photos. 

Image result for Mini Bluetooth Earphones

Available from  R189

GoPro Hero Session

A travel must-have is a high-quality camera – say hello to the GoPro Hero Session. The action camera is cute, light and convenient for mounting even if you’re in an awkward position. Better yet, it’s waterproof and can record your entire experience.

Image result for gopro hero4 session

Available from R2989

Travel Pillow and Eye Mask

If you’re travelling to a country in a different timezone, chances are you’re going to experience jet lag and some changes in your sleep pattern. Make sure you get all the rest you need with an oldie – but goldie – eye mask and travel pillow. You won’t regret it.

Image result for Inflatable Travel Sleeping Set U Air Cushion Pillow Earplug Eye Mask

Available from  R62.14

Power Banks

Whether it’s for GPS navigation, emergencies, or simply to capture epic moments, a cell phone is an absolute necessity when travelling. A power bank will become your best friend.

Powerbank Travel Kit

Available at  R225

These essentials ensure your travels are much more convenient, comfortable and safer. Book your flight now!


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