In January I wrote a blog post about Sony being under pressure , and it seems that in a space of 5 months the picture has become quite bleak. The much awaited Sony PlayStation Vita has under performed and sale numbers have been less than ground breaking in Europe and other markets.

I wonder if we are beginning to see the start of a downward spiral for handheld gaming devices such as the Vita? Think about it for a minute, what are the 3 things that are in your pockets or hands during the majority of the day? Keys, wallet and a cellphone is what I think most of us will answer. Smart phones have become an industry disruptor as digital cameras, gaming consoles, GPS devices and personal digital assistants (PDA’s) are being replaced by one uber device. Digital SLR cameras will survive but I fear for the “point and shoot” industry. Gaming consoles such as the PlayStation 3, Wii and Xbox will be found close to the LCD TV in a cupboard/ drawer but tablets and smart phones will become the next battlefield for gaming companies.

So where does this leave Sony? They are increasingly at a risk of dropping out of the mind and sight of their loving customers. Here is the simple test: Name the latest Sony cellphone, digital camera and TV that Sony has launched?

Samsung and Apple are increasingly being seen as the choice of the consumers worldwide. Sony, you have some work to do…