Tuesday, October 1

The Golden Wonders Of Turmeric and How It Will Change Your Life


Hippocrates wrote, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” And yet, we still find ourselves running towards prescription drugs for easy fixes. A perfect example of the healing power of food is contained in the powder we commonly use for curry – turmeric. The orange-yellow spice is now, more than ever, being recognised for its medicinal capabilities to treat ailments and enhance health. Let’s look at the benefits of adding turmeric to your diet.

It Reduces The Likelihood Of Chronic Disease

The pigment giving turmeric its yellow colour is called curcumin and its very presence in the spice has made it reputable in the world of medicine. One of the primary benefits of curcumin is its ability to reduce long-term inflammation in the body. Why is this important? Diseases such as cancer, ulcerative colitis, arthritis and high cholesterol are all linked to chronic inflammation. – [Cancer Research Association]

Healthier Looking Skin

Free radicals are a leading cause of ageing skin. They are usually spurred on by various factors such as smoking, poor diet and stress. However, by ingesting more turmeric, your body’s natural antioxidant enzymes are stimulated, causing the neutralisation of free radicals. What does all this mean? You will have better-looking skin by adding turmeric to your diet. [US National Library of MedicineNational Institutes of Health]

Try this Indian healing face mask with turmeric.

Available at R479

Revved-Up Metabolism

Yes, turmeric aids in weight loss by speeding up your metabolism. According to a study performed in 2009, mice were put on a high-fat diet which included curcumin; it was discovered that adipose tissue (which is your body’s fat storage) was reduced by the intake of curcumin. So, if you’re struggling to shed those extra kilos, increase the amount of turmeric to boost your metabolism.

Depression Buster

Studies are increasingly revealing curcumin’s effects on depression. In fact, it is just as effective as antidepressants such as Prozac.

An article by Psychiatry Advisor said, “We have been learning that disturbances in inflammation are causative and consequential of depression,” says Dr McIntyre. “We are also learning that if we can target the inflammatory system, for some people, this may translate into antidepressant properties.”

Try an organic turmeric range

                             Taka Health Organic Turmeric

Available at R82                                            Available at R91

Better Brain Performance

Many brain diseases are linked to decreased levels of the hormone called  Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor [BDNF], which heightens depression and the probability of Alzheimer’s disease. Turmeric is known to increase this hormone by stimulating the growth of your brain’s neurons, resulting in better brain performance.

Note: Curcumin is best digested when taken with black pepper or piperine. Opt for these supplements to add it to your diet.

                                             Flora Force Turmeric                         Taka Turmeric & BioPerine Capsules

Available at R118          Available at R145           Available at R100

Now, do you believe in the healing power of food?


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