Saturday, February 22

The Definitive Moving Checklist


Moving home is rated as one of life’s most stressful activities and, even if you are moving from a cramped apartment to your dream house, packing up your worldly possessions and transplanting your family is a huge upheaval. But, even though moving will never be a fun experience, it needn’t be a complete nightmare. With careful organisation and forward planning, it is possible to minimise the stress of the move and ease the process of settling into a new home.

Comprehensive checklists are essential for a seamless transition and, once compiled, immediately delegate jobs and organise your team so everyone has a role and knows what is required of them. This helps avoid important things being forgotten or overlooked and also prevents people from getting in one another’s way, which is when tempers really start to fray.

PriceCheck Tip: Organising before a move can help tremendously with the process of moving. Get yourself the right organisation essentials, including storage boxes and tools.

Cat sitting in a cardboard box

Perhaps the biggest mistake one can make when moving house is to leave anything until the last minute. Get started as soon as you know you will be moving. Even months in advance you can begin to slowly declutter room by room and also get stuck into seldom-used spaces like storerooms and garden sheds which can be a real hassle to sort through and pack up.

It’s also important to decide on which day you will be moving well ahead of time and to confer with the new tenants or buyer before booking the removal company as moving on the same day can result in chaos.

Need more tips? Here is our ultimate moving checklist which may vary from home to home but covers most priorities:


At least one month before the move:

  • Begin to clean out cupboards, discard what you don’t need and pack non-essential items. You can begin to store moving boxes in the least-used rooms or garage.
  • Arrange storage facilities if required.
  • Give notice to the relevant utility companies and switch home insurance to your new home.
  • Apply for your new water and electricity accounts and transfer security companies or inform them of your new address;
  • If you are moving to a new area and the kids are changing schools, arrange for the transfer of their school records and order new school uniforms.
  • Have valuable possessions reassessed for insurance and check if your insurance policy will cover your move. If not, your removals company may be able to provide cover.
  • Moving day can be especially traumatic for pets, so if you are inclined to panic, make a booking at a nearby kennel for moving day and the night before.
  • Microchipping your pets is also a good idea, if they are not already chipped, so that they can be identified if lost.
  • Start a ‘moving file’ to keep documents relating to your move – including to-do lists, important numbers etc.


Two weeks prior to the big day:

  • Run down freezer foods and other perishables, only restocking essentials.
  • Confirm details with the removals company – confirm times, parking and directions.
  • Place important items and documents like passports, insurance policies and jewellery in a secure box or file for safekeeping.
  • Notify the important people and institutions in your life like banks and cellular networks.
  • Give away plants and flowers you won’t be taking with you, especially the larger potted plants which are difficult for removal companies to move.

The day before:

  • Assemble a survival kit of all the ‘must-have’ items you will need when you arrive at your new home, including the kettle, tea and coffee, breakfast supplies, favourite children’s toys, phone chargers, school and pet requirements, toiletries and a torch or candles.
  • Don’t forget to pack essential medication separately for easy access.
  • Pack clean bed linen and towels separately so that beds can be made up as soon as possible and everyone can have a shower after a long day.
  • And if you have time, prepare a picnic hamper for a family housewarming dinner with treats for everyone including the kids and pets.


On the day and the day after:

  • Record the meter readings for water and electricity, preferably by taking a photo with your phone.
  • Check all windows are secure and utilities are switched off.
  • Make sure you have the survival kit and packed linen in your own vehicle so that you don’t have to search for them on the other side.
  • Ensure one person stays until your movers have finished packing to check the packing inventory and ensure that everything is accounted for.
  • Move your furniture into the new house first, otherwise you’ll end up lugging boxes around again to make room.
  • Make sure there are lightbulbs – you don’t want to have to go to the shops after a long day.
  • Once you are settled, bring home and contain them in one room or area for a few days. Give them a lot of attention and their favourite treats. Close all windows and doors and walk around the new house with them. Once your pets are confident in the new home, slowly introduce them to the garden, and for dogs, their new neighbourhood while walking them on a leash. Make contact with your neighbours, to let them know about your pets.

Making sure your dogs and cats are comfortable is important, so find the best deals on pet care products for your new home on PriceCheck!

moving with children

Whilst forward planning and getting an early start on things like packing are important, it’s essential that you don’t neglect the component that is most vital to a seamless move – yourself. It may seem like there is no time to relax, but it’s vital that you don’t put neglect your own well-being and tire yourself out before the time. Make sure you are getting enough rest and maintaining a balanced diet to keep up your strength because you will need it.

And when you arrive, don’t try to unpack everything in one day. Give yourself a chance to relax and regain your physical and emotional strength. Most of all, enjoy the excitement of your new home and new beginnings.


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