Saturday, February 22

Safer Internet Day: Tips on How to Stay Safe in the Digital World


Cybersecurity and digital privacy company, Kaspersky has released new research showing that during 2022, 15% of internet users computers worldwide experienced at least one malware-class attack. Throughout last year, 32,5% of users in South Africa were affected by online threats, compared to 40% in Kenya and 35,8% in Nigeria. The Internet is a great tool, however individuals and businesses need to navigate it responsibly.

Celebrating its 20th anniversary this month, Safer Internet Day, is a campaign designed to raise awareness of emerging online issues and current concerns. From cyberbullying to social networking and digital identity, Safer Internet Day is about people and businesses coming together for a better internet. To help you navigate the internet responsibly we’ve outlined several key tips and tricks to keep in mind.

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Keep the stream safe

In recent years, video and music streaming have become incredibly popular with several services available to internet users. As with anything else online, there are some best practices to keep in mind to ensure your time-watching content is as safe as possible. Whether you’re streaming content on your smart TV, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, it’s important to stay vigilant and safe.

For starters, you should only use trusted services, in other words those you have a subscription for. Always double-check the format of the URL and spelling of the company name before you download anything. Fake sites may look like the real thing, but there will be anomalies that will help you spot the difference. Avoid clicking on links or downloading files that promise pre-screen viewings of blockbuster movies or television shows. In all likelihood, these are scams either containing malware or are phishing attempts to get your credit card details.

PriceCheck tip: Keen your WiFi and fibre running during the loadshedding with a variety of different mini-UPS options for less than R1,000!

Netflix TV

Develop safe online shopping habits

The convenience of online shopping has naturally resulted in increases in shopping-related malware and phishing attacks, because online criminals like to seize the opportunity to catch people out with deals that often seem too good to be true. Remember these tips and make them part of your online shopping habits:

• Type the URL into your browser to check the deal on the website rather than clicking on links in e-mails.
• Check for the padlock sign/HTTPS in the address bar when paying. Keep in mind, though, that this padlock means safety only if the website address is correct, so check twice!
• Use a credit card rather than a debit card for extra payment protection.
• Avoid saving your card details to a website.
• Protect devices used for shopping and make sure you apply patches and updates as soon as possible.
• Use a unique, complex password for each of your online accounts.

Crosscall smartphone

Be careful what you share online

If you have social accounts, those networks have a lot of information about you, and you might be surprised how much of it is visible to anybody on the Internet by default. It is strongly recommended that you check your privacy settings and be careful what information you share online. It is up to you to decide what info you want to share with complete strangers versus your friends.

Furthermore, parents must sit with their children and educate them on what is safe information to share online. It all begins with the sites they visit. They must be taught what suspicious websites are, and how to avoid them. Also, children must never enter passwords or any personal information on those sites. As part of this, they should only ever download apps from official stores. It is never advisable to share personal documents, banking information, or photos that could put them or their friends in a compromising position.

And while these tips are important for children, even adults can benefit from applying these best practices to what they do online.

smartphone kids

Helping children to manage screen time

When children spend a lot of time using technology, they can get addicted to it. This is especially the case when it comes to surfing the web, streaming music and videos, or engaging in social networking with friends from around the world. The problem is that this can potentially result in sleeping problems, lead to mood shifts, contribute to weight gain, and cause body-image issues.

One approach to mitigate against the risk of this happening is to introduce children to the online environment by gradually increasing their screen time and removing restrictions. Some tips also apply to children of any age: The simplest and most effective include not using devices close to bedtime and silencing devices overnight. Parents must have an honest discussion with their children and agree on other times when they are not allowed to use their devices, such as during family meals or when it is time for homework or studying.

smartphone kids

The digital age has forced us to confront brand-new challenges and risks and so it is important to keep internet safety in mind, as well as to invest in cybersecurity solutions, like Kaspersky Premium, to protect your devices from malicious online threats. While it may seem onerous or challenging to follow these tips shared at first, over time they will become ingrained and will help you and your family to have safe internet experiences and really thrive in your digital life.

Many Android smartphones and tablets as well as Apple smartphones and iPads  also offer child safety features that enable parents to restrict certain content, manage screen time, and mitigate risks for their children online. If you’re shopping around for the best smartphone for children or want a tablet, laptop, or other device that is best suited for your child, then be sure to look for parental control features that will ensure your child’s safety when using the internet.


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