Wednesday, October 2

Report: Samsung Halt Production Of Galaxy Note 7


Let’s just say that 2016 hasn’t been a great year for Samsung. First they issued a global recall for their latest Galaxy Note 7 following reports of exploding batteries, then there where reports of replacement Note 7’s still having the same issues. But now things have gone from bad to worse to disastrous.

Reports from a South Korean news Agency have stated that Samsung have halted production of the Galaxy Note 7 all together.



Following the first incident of a replacement Note 7 exploding at an American airport, at least three more replacement phones have also caught fire.

Following those reports Samsung have started a cooperative effort alongside safety regulators in China, the US and Korea to stop production. Large scale mobile retailers AT & T, T-Mobile and Verizon have stopped issuing replacement Note 7’s or selling supposed safer Note 7 units. These retailers are still swapping Note 7’s for other devices and continue to encourage customers to do so.

The latest Galaxy series hasn’t seen a release in South Africa yet, and following this news it is unlikely to be made available in South Africa any time soon.


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