Saturday, February 22

How To Make Halloumi Fries


It’s been around for a while, but the craze has caught on and it goes by the name of halloumi fries. A trendy restaurant in Kent, The Naughty Egg, is a quirky establishment offering unique meals including a burger dedicated to Ed Sheeran and a menu selection with eggs as its muse. Now, it’s added halloumi fries to the list of foods and everyone loves it. This includes food bloggers creating their very own recipes to satisfy the halloumi-fry-bedazzlement. 

What is Halloumi?

Halloumi is one of the better cheese alternatives for vegetarians due to the exclusion of rennet in its preparation . 

Read more about rennet here.

Traditionally, the soft-curd like cheese is either prepared from goat or sheep’s milk. Halloumi’s remarkable characteristic is it requiring no acid or acid-producing bacteria as compositional factor. Additionally, it doesn’t melt when grilled or fried making it a perfect candidate for a potato wedge and fries alternative. Its semi-soft texture is similar to a thick feta or mozzarella which is delicious.

Have a taste of some halloumi meals

Roast Veg & Halloumi Wrap

Image result for Roast Veg & Halloumi Wrap

Vegetarian Halloumi Cheese On Lentils 350G

Image result for Vegetarian Halloumi Cheese On Lentils 350G

How To Make Halloumi Fries

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  • Halloumi -320grams
  • Canola oil – 1L
  • Sumac – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Pomegranate seeds – 3 Tablespoons
  • Squeeze of lemon juice (optional)
  • Yogurt – 2 Tablespoons
  • Sprig of coriander

Cut the halloumi into 1cm fingers as if you were making chips. Lightly pat these with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.

Mix your yoghurt with some lemon to taste (save some for the fries at the end) and season with salt and pepper. Pick your coriander from the stems.

**Trust me here, throwing wet halloumi into hot oil is going cause them to spit and decorate your ceiling (and potentially arms and face) with hot oil.

Place a deep pot over a medium-high heat and heat your oil to 180C. You can test the oil by dropping in a bit of bread. If the oil sizzles and the bread brown you good to go.

Fry the halloumi in batches until golden, before draining on some paper towel to remove excess oil. Toss the fries into a bowl and sprinkle over the sumac, and salt and pepper. Finish with a squeeze of lemon and toss them to combine.

Plate the fries and drizzle over the yoghurt. To finish scatter over the coriander and pomegranate seeds. Eat straight away.

Thank you Chef Cape Town for the recipe.








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