Sunday, February 23

Having Clear Vision & Looking After It


Vision and being able to see is something we take for granted. I am guilty of that and take little or no care about my sight. I only recently purchased a proper pair of sunglasses to break the abuse from the sun.  Think about it for a minute, have you measured how far you sit from your TV at home or from the LCD screen at work? I will be very surprised, if a handful of readers answer ‘yes’ to that question.

Our eyes are like our teeth to a degree, in that we only get one pair of them from birth and have to use them daily until the end of our lives. The point that I am trying to make is that you should take a few minutes and check the settings of your LCD screen/notebook and try and save your eyes. It will take only a small percentage of your day but the effects will have long term effects on your well being.

So what can you do to take care of your eyes? Consider eating Vitamin A rich food, and Zinc has shown to reduce the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration. Wear safety googles when riding your motocross bike and also when working in the Garage with power tools that generate dust particles. Also be alert for accidents that may happen when working in the garden i.e. cutting hedges and or branches that can come back and strike you.

If you wear spectacles, then you should ensure that they are still providing you with the right amount of magnification as to your needs. However you might also want to have a look at moving to contact lenses which are less likely to be seen by others,who come in contact with you.

The Eye Test chart  as seen in Optometrist offices all around the world.


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