Wednesday, October 2

Flying long-haul this festive season? Here’s a useful checklist…

  1. A neck pillow. It’s a no-brainer, really. Few things are worse than jerking awake as your sleepy head flops forward – and it will, no matter how firmly you think it’s wedged against the back of your seat. A neck pillow will ensure you’re snug and comfortable, which means you’ll arrive at your destination bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. There are cute one for the kiddies too.
  2. Earplugs. Another great-to-have to make sure you get a good night’s sleep. Pick a pair and say hello to the sound of silence!
  3. Headphones. Buy your own, get to know them, plug them in and voila! Surround-sound entertainment in your own seat.
  4.  A practical travel bag. You need something compact to stick into the overhead compartment – something with pockets where you can stash things for easy access, such as your phone, your book, your tablet, your socks and your snacks. Buying one in a distinctive colour will make it easy to find amid all the grey and black up there – or tie a ribbon around the handle so you can spot in a flash.
  5. A good toiletry bag. You’re going to be freshening up in that teeny-tiny loo at least once on the journey so make the experience as pleasant as possible. A bag that hangs up is great – and if it has special holders for toothbrush and paste, comb and cream, all the better.
  6. A passport wallet. Travelling overseas means you’re going to need to show your passport a lot. A passport wallet helps you keep all your essentials in one place – documents, money, cards and change. Ideal for the worldly traveller!
  7. A new set of pens. You’re going to be filling in forms fairly regularly as you hop around the world. Having your own writing equipment means you won’t have to worry if the pen you’re given doesn’t work – and you’ll have something on hand if you need to mark luggage, bags, clothes, etc.

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