Saturday, February 22

Building an e-commerce company: HeavyChef spells it out


I attended my first HeavyChef session yesterday.

Very interesting indeed! It was great to see so many people gathered to hear and talk about e-commerce. It’s an indication that people really are taking note of the impact e-commerce is having on the new economy.

Andrew Smith from Yuppiechef and Fiona Phillips from Cybercellar gave some insights into their companies: starting up, influences, advice, etc. Good to hear about the success stories, and both in such niche markets. Also, a big thank you to Fiona for the Slaley Shiraz 2008 (Cybercellar was started in 1998, by the way 🙂 )!

Oh, and thanks to Jade and the crew for sorting out the wine.  Perdeberg rocks, however you pronounce it!

The videos should be up soon at Play, in the meantime here’s a very interesting one with Rui from Vida e Caffe fame!


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