Sunday, February 23

Apple Having Drama With The iPhone 4


The hype surrounding the Apple iPhone 4 is getting less by the day but Apple has had some problems with the latest version of the popular iPhone. While they continue to show the way to other manufacturers on how to please their users, the iPhone 4 launch has been far from perfect and has the potential to become a public relations disaster for Apple.

So what are the issues? As we thought initially the glass cover surrounding both sides of the phone has shown scratches after a few days of continuous usage. It is to be expected but the glass plays an important role in ensuring a crystal clear display. The retina display has shown to discolor to a yellow colour after a few days of usage. This seems to go away after a day or two and has is caused by a reaction between heat and a bonding agent.

The biggest issue in terms of press coverage has been the reduction of signal when holding the phone by its metal sides in two places. The metal bands of the iPhone 4 also act as antennas for the device. Apple has admitted that there is a software problem which incorrectly calculates the signal strength and a free software update will correct this.

So if you still want to purchase a 16GB iPhone 4 or 32GB version, just be aware of these issues.


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