Tuesday, October 1

A Highlighted Version


Quick Step-by-Step, How-To go about entering and voting for The PriceCheck Movie Shorts Competition.

•    Create and shoot your own mini movie, using the words:

PriceCheck.co.za (must be seen for at least 30 seconds)
Compare All, Big or Small (only needs to be seen or heard once)

•   Once your masterpiece is complete, you then need to click on this button below to submit. var ytdInitFunction = function() { var ytd = new Ytd(); ytd.setAssignmentId(“5001”); ytd.setCallToAction(“callToActionId-5001”); var containerWidth = 350; var containerHeight = 350; ytd.setYtdContainer(“ytdContainer-5001”, containerWidth, containerHeight); ytd.ready(); }; if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener(“load”, ytdInitFunction, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent(“onload”, ytdInitFunction); }

Please note that by entering this competition, you are agreeing to abide by and accept all the rules and Ts & Cs for this competition. You also hand over to PriceCheck all rights to your movie short once it is submitted.

•   The mini movie with the most YouTube likes will win the grand prize.

•   Competition opens on July 20th 2011. All entries need to be in by September 30th 2011. Tip: the quicker your entry is submitted and uploaded, the longer it has to gain votes!

•    Winner is to be announced on 14th October 2011.

•    Entries are open to all. You may enter as many movies as you wish.

•    No full frontal nudity or foul speech. Please keep it clean.

•    Movie File Name: Must be as follows;

The PriceCheck movie shorts competition-antonie*.mp4.

(The PriceCheck movie shorts competition-[contestant name]*.mp4. The [contestant name]is your name (or YouTube screen name).)
For example, someone with the YouTube name “Antonie” would have a movie file with the following name: The PriceCheck movie shorts competition-antonie*.mp4.

(The .mp4 is for demonstration purposes only. You may use any video format that is accepted by YouTube.)

•    Movie Title: Must be as follows;

“My time in the spotlight with PriceCheck.”

(This is the title of the movie on your entry form.)

•    Movie Short Description: To be added on your entry form. Please use the following;

“This is my original take on the PriceCheck Little Film Comparison Short. Help me win the grand prize. Vote for my mini movie here: http://www.youtube.com/user/PriceCheckSA.”

(You may add additional text to your description as long as the above text appears.)

•    You can use any form of device to shoot your mini movie. Examples being mobile phone, video camera, digital camera, YouTube, some iPods, webcam, tablet, spycam.

•    Grand Prize:

  • Apple iPad 64GB, WiFi, Bluetooth. Sponsored by PriceCheck

•    Spot Prizes:

•    The movie short must be original and fun. Don’t forget to enjoy making your masterpiece!!

•    Cross your fingers and toes!

•    Good luck! We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

•    View the mini movie entries on the PriceCheckSA YouTube Channel

•    Choose your favourite movie short.

•    Vote by “liking” (click the “thumbs up” button underneath the YouTube Movie Entry) the movie entrant of your choice.

•    Once you’ve voted, you need to then post on your facebook status;

“I just voted for my favourite mini movie for the @PriceCheck Movie Shorts Competition, co-sponsored by @Purple Fly Trading, @Expansys & @Mantality.”

(Please note this important step seals your vote.)

•    Voting is open to all, but spot prizes can only be won by South Africa residents only. Only one (1) vote per entry per person per day.

•    You too can win with our random spot prize giveaways! (As long as you “like” your favourite with a “thumbs up” on YouTube and Facebook)

•    Voting closes on the 10th of October 2011.

•    Spot Prizes:

•    Thanks for playing a pinnacle part in this competition

•    The PriceCheckSA YouTube Channel

•    The PriceCheck Official Rules

•    YouTube

•    The whole tutti frutti – the official competition blog post

•    A little Film Comparison Example

•    How to make a movie

Examples of devices to shoot your movie with: mobile phone, video camera, digital camera, YouTube, some iPods, webcam, tablet.

Don’t forget to add oomph to your movie short with sound effects and music.

Look out for The PriceCheck miniseries which will be released on the PriceCheckSA YouTube Channel.


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