Wednesday, October 2

The Galaxy Note 4 – Your Next Device?


“The screen is too big!” “Will it fit in my pocket?”

Those are more than likely the first two questions to come out of any prospective Note 4 user’s mouth. So what are the benefits of these “phablets” (tablet + phone) that are becoming the norm in the mobile world? Last year saw the release of the Note 4, Nexus 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, all of which have massive screens, making it a trend that seemingly isn’t going anywhere. Let’s have a look at what distinguishes the Note 4 from the competition.

The screen

The display of the Note 4 might just be its most touted feature and for good reason. The AMOLED display panel has been highlighted by numerous Android review sites as the best on any mobile device at the moment, and considering how many devices the reviewers use, that is incredibly high praise. If you like big, bold and bright colours, as well as immaculate clarity, the Note 4’s screen is hard to beat.

The build

Samsung has always had two nagging complaints following its mobile devices. The first is build quality, because users want a high quality feeling device, and Samsung in the past used a lot of plastics. The Note 4 however changes that trend with an aluminium chassis, giving it a premium feel, instantly.

The operating system

This brings us to the second complaint of Samsung devices, its skinned version of Android, Touchwiz. With the Note 4, happily, Samsung has scaled back its own additions to Google’s operating system, making for an easier to use device, and apparently there are more changes coming in future updates.

The camera

The camera on the Note 4 is another highlight, combined with the gorgeous display, the phablet can easily help you capture, tailor, tweak and edit any of your photographs.

That is the Samsung Note 4 in a nutshell. It’s a great looking screen, powered by the latest internals and with all the bells and whistles you’d expect from a big phone. It’s the market leader for a reason, and if you’re looking to upgrade your device, you can’t go wrong with a Note 4.


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