Tuesday, October 1

Is colour the new black?


When I think of technology and gadgets, metal and composite materials come to mind. It is based on observation on how the items look and feel in general. In my opinion, some products are bland and boring which contributes to poor sales numbers. Just look at the popularity of the white iPhone and other cellphones such as the BlackBerry Torch.

With the above in mind, I have started observing a trend that is beginning to emerge. The best example of this trend is seen with Headphones.

The look that we are all familiar with:

Now, various manufacturers have started to create multi coloured headphones as a sign of personalization.  “I can now buy the product/s I want, in the colour that I want”  is what the marketers will push. The different colours also differentiate any product from their direct competition.

Here are a few examples of products that are available in various colours:

Aerial7 Chopper II Snow White Headphones

 Aerial7 Tank Mondrian Headphones

So, is this the beginning of products being available in more than the base colours (Black and Silver) or is this a fad that will pass over time? (For those who are not sure about “the new black” it refers to an expression that is used to indicate the sudden popularity or versatility of an idea at the expense of the popularity of a second idea.)


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