Sunday, February 23

Is Samsung The Sleeping Giant?


Samsung is about to overtake Nokia as the cellphone maker that sell the most devices worldwide. Is this a surprising development? Not really. It is a combination of brilliant strategy and Apple- like execution that has made this development possible.

Samsung have ensured that they are one of the major players in various industries that make up the consumer electronics jungle.  It has not been a smooth journey as the current court case between Samsung and Apple illustrates.

Samsung have ensured that they execute their software well that they design. They have devices on multiple operating systems to ensure that they can cater for many different users.  They have followed the Apple playbook well and use their own smart phone chips / CPU’s. This puts them in a position to ensure that supplier congestion in terms of parts does not affect them at all. They also build their own high quality displays which they supply to other manufacturers.

They have an additional operating system called Bada which can be seen as a growth strategy as current sales numbers are increasing.  Being dominant on Android and Bada provides them 2 opportunities to take market share away from Apple, BlackBerry, HP Palm and Windows Phone 7 based devices.

I suspect that the Samsung Galaxy S2 will become the official “iPhone killer” as it features a dual core processor and a super thin body (8.49mm).  Early indications are this is the first real proper Android device to own.  So will Samsung be the sleeping giant that Apple cannot slay?


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