Tuesday, October 1

Samsung Galaxy S8 Rumoured To Feature New ‘Beast Mode’


Samsung’s Galaxy range of smartphones are among some of the most powerful and high-end available today, and with the upcoming model of their flagship phone they seem to be taking power to a whole new level.

The new Galaxy S8 is rumoured to be featuring an all new ‘Beast Mode’


The new ‘Beast Mode’ is rumoured to be featured on upcoming notebooks, tablets and smartphones; and while there aren’t any confirmations as to what is actually is we can only assume that it will boost the device’s power output. It’s likely that this power boost will be achieved by dialling up the chipset speed at the expense of battery power.

Why this new performance boost? The current Android Nougat OS allows users more direct control over performance output with features such as lowering the screen resolution, the new ‘Beast Mode’ is likely to take this same sort of performance customisation to a whole new level.

Other parts of the Galaxy S8 that would benefit from a power boost are the VR capabilities and the 4K screen, both of which will be included in the Galaxy range from here on in.


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